SCIM 2020 Continuing Education Day on Friday March 20, 2020

We are pleased to organize a day of continuing education at the Swiss mc Medical Center, Friday March 20, 2020, at Rue Chantepoulet 1-3-5 1201 Geneva.
Avec la participation de :

  • 9h00 à 10h00 Swiss Alternative Medicine: Mme. Shima Sazegari, CEO of the company, on the theme “Health and Education – the vision of Swiss Alternative Medicine in connection with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals”
  • 10h15 à 12h15 Swiss mc- Medical Center:
    Dr. Yves Cohen on the topic “The value of nutrients in the prevention of eye diseases”.
    Dr. Alain Barmont on the topic “Mesotherapy”.
    Dr. Khoutir Mahour on the topic “Diet and cancer”.
  • 12h30 à 13h30 Lunch
  • 14h00 à 15h00 Gene Predictis
    Ph. D. Joëlle Michaud, CSO of the company, on the topic ” The usefulness of genetics in clinical practice in the era OMICs.”
  • 15h15 à 16h15 Institut Français de Micro-immunothérapie
    M. Fréderic Rimaz on the topic “Viral reactivations and micro-immunotherapy”.
    IRCM – International Group of Researchers and Development for Complemantary Medicine
    M. Kiu Caracani, specialist in integrative medicine, acupuncture, auriculotherapy and naturopathy, on the topic ” Role of integrative and complementary medicine in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and neurodegenerative diseases”.
  • 16h15 à 16h45 Visit of the Swiss mc-Medical center

Registration by e-mail at the address with FC 2020 Geneva subject. The SCIM committee is looking forward to meeting you Recognized as continuing education.
